Cat Land ACNH Treasure Island Updated Map + Time Tool Feature Launched!

ACNH Treasure Island Updated: Cat Land

Cat Land Treasure Island has undergone a makeover with an ACNH Treasure Island Updated Map! I’m always trying to improve my islands to make them a good user experience. I’ve introduced a new feature on Cat Land which allows players to walk into the “void” around the edge of the map, allowing extra space for items at the front of the island where the airport dock normally took up space. Additionally, I moved the villager homes, which you can inject with villagers or adopt whoever is already in boxes, from the top of the map into this void area of the treasure island. Again, I’ve recovered an area of space which was normally full of houses and filled with items! Plus, you no longer have to walk through an entire map of items to reach the villager houses at the top just to adopt a villager.

I’m so excited for this change. Cat Land is the first island that’s been upgraded. With the new space, I’ve added a requested item area for flower seeds – you can now pick up stacks of 10 flower seed bags for pansies, hyacinths, cosmos, lilies, windflower and tulips. I’ve also added the yachts and trucks to the front of the island. There are sprinkles of new items throughout, such as mum chairs, hyacinth lamps, and the entire antique set in all colours, including the new antique items that came out in the 2.0 update.

I’ve updated the item search tool with all the changes, so give it a try!

Cat Land Treasure Island Map

I’ll be updating each of the remaining five islands ASAP.

I’ve also changed the visual style of the map. I used to just have the labels over top of the in game map, but I’ve spiced up the colours with a purple and pink colour palette. It brings me joy to look at the maps and I”ll slowly convert the other maps over to this style too!

Is Nook’s Cranny Open on the Treasure Islands?

This isn’t a new feature, but in case you don’t know, Cat Land has a 606 turnip price every day Monday to Saturday. Speaking of turnips: sometimes it can be hard to figure out what island you want to fly to where Nook’s Cranny is open and where it’s not Sunday. I have a variety of time and date options for both the max bell islands and the 606 turnip price islands. I’ve added a new page on my site to help see what island has an open Nook’s Cranny at a glance: Nook’s Cranny Game Time Tool. Check out that page to learn where you can sell those sweet sweet turnips for big.

I hope the time tool is helpful! If you have any suggestions of what you’d like to see, please let me know on the Pange Plays Discord community!